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Small Business Restructuring (SBR) – Eligibility and Benefits
Small Business Restructure (SBR) – Eligibility and benefits The SBR legislation was enacted in 2021 and allows eligible SMEs to compromise their debts with creditors

Duty to Prevent Insolvent Trading
An updated guide for directors Section 588G of the Corporations Act 2001 is crucial for directors to understand, as it imposes strict obligations to prevent

Understanding the ATO’s Data-Matching Programs
A Guide for Accountants The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has ramped up its efforts to ensure compliance by using sophisticated data-matching programs. These programs cross-reference

Urgent company reinstatement to avoid a DPN – Gregg v ASIC
The case revolves around Bradley Stuart Gregg, a former director of a deregistered company, JR Serra Proprietary Limited. Gregg sought a court order to reinstate

Understanding the Low Adoption of Simplified Liquidations: What Accountants Need to Know
Understanding the Low Adoption of Simplified Liquidations: What Accountants Need to Know Since the introduction of the simplified liquidation reforms in 2021, there has been

Superannuation as an employee entitlement under the National Employment Standards
From 1 January 2024, superannuation will be introduced as an employee entitlement under the National Employment Standards (NES). This means that all eligible employees have a right to superannuation contributions from their employer, regardless of whether they are covered by an award or enterprise agreement.