Trading namesAs aboveContact person
TrusteeKim WallmanRob Wallman
Date of Appointment03/07/2012Ph. (08) 9215 7951
Type of AppointmentBankruptcyEmail. cndhbGxtYW5AaGxiaW5zb2wuY29tLmF1
Bankruptcy numberWA 498 of 2012/0

Background information

The Bankruptcy became necessary as a result of a significant downturn in the dairy farming industry, and the inability to pay the associated outstanding debts.

Dividend status

It is unlikely that there will be a dividend to unsecured creditors.

Documents available for download

Creditors correspondence

Minutes of meetings



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“I declare that I am an investor or creditor of the appointed (or a professional consultant of such a creditor) and I agree not to disclose any information contained on this webpage (and any links thereto) to any person other than another investor or creditor of the appointed without written consent of HLB Mann Judd (Insolvency WA) or unless otherwise compelled by law.

Further, I indemnify HLB Mann Judd (Insolvency WA) in respect of any liability to which they are exposed in the event that this declaration is false and has a consequence of that falsity.

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